I've taken up a recent interest in decorating with plants. They are a fairly inexpenisve but, still an expressive way to spice up your living space! I do not have a ton of plant knowledge but, between Google and my Mother (who is a gardening freak), I've managed to find quite a few plants that work great!
Recent additions to my plant family:
This is the staple viney plant -The Pothos- that drapes so nicely over window siles and bookshelves. For $8 how can you go wrong? These plants require very little work, minimal sunlight and I only water mine about once a week. Mine has been growing really fast and I'm assuming I'll need to re pot it into a bigger "room" fairly soon.
My very first plant was this guy:
I must admit, it looked really beautful and colorful when I first bought (and For $15 he was a perfect match!) but, a few weeks ago, it slowly started dying! All the leaves were shedding off. But, with a little TLC it has sprouted tiny new leaves and seems to do very well in it's new location with more sun light! Apparently this plant requires more attention than it's tag let on. It needs plenty of sunlight and watering every 2 days.