Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Winter Relaxing

Its currently snowing here (either though I begged and pleaded with Mother Nature to ensure the roads were snow free and safe for my long haul to MOA this weekend- there’s still time for it to clear out).  Snow always makes me dream of warm cozy winter evenings.  There just something about a cold winter night cuddled up by a fire with full bellies and a warm tea in hand watching a good movie.

Although I basically dread EVERYTHING about winter; however, I find cold winter evenings make me slow down and indulge in a nothing planned relaxing evening. Relaxing and taking a night off should be easy but, I think most would agree it’s not.  There’s always something to be done. And if you’re not doing it, guilt sets in.  Tonight I will enjoy the colder snowy evening and relax with the bf- guilt free!